LGBTQ+ Business to Business Opportunities

Pink Media - a company with INFLUENCE!
Reach the LGBTQ+ Community

Leverage the Power of Social Relationships
Offices in New York and Los Angeles

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LGBTQ+ Business to Business Opportunities:
$950 per month

Be a part of the LGBTQ+ conversation! Is your LGBTQ+ Marketing putting YOU and YOUR ORGANIZATION at the CENTER of LGBTQ+ Conversations online? Let us help AMPLIFY your message to a BROADER yet TARGETED LGBTQ+ online audience, keeping your PRIDE message alive 24/7, 365 days per year!

Pink Media has one of the few, true LGBTQ+ business-to-business set of opportunities on the marketplace today, including:

Read our 2024 blog post regarding our B-to-B offerings

(this may be from 2024, but it's still relevant today)

LGBTQ+ Business To Business Outreach

Learn More Hello and Happy New Year from the team at Pink Media - a company with influence! 2024 is getting off to a strong start. We've just submitted a bid for a rather large LGBTQ+ business-to-business project that we're excited and hopeful to win. As I was putting together notes on why we're uniquely qualified to take on this role, I thought it might be good to share these thoughts with you all as my New Year's message for 2024.


Part 1 - Content Posting Strategy:
We take your content in the form of articles, press releases, videos, photo collages and more, and get them in front of a targeted LGBTQ+ audience, reaching a minimum of 25,000 people in 30 days!


We start with...






We develop a content marketing strategy that works with YOUR CONTENT. We post YOUR content, including an editorial strategy that includes content updates from your team, as well as influencer content that is developed on your behalf, to keep your organization in front of your target LGBTQ+ audience 24/7.

Part 2 - Promoting Your Content:
We have a variety of different ways of promoting your content to a hyper-targeted LGBTQ+ audience that's right for you. We promote your post via targeted Facebook & Instagram advertising, and for our more business-focused clients, we promote your post via LinkedIn, with over 60,000 followers on our various LGBTQ+ business groups and profiles.

$950 for 1 month promotion
    - Pay for 1 year in advance, and receive 2 months free!
Guaranteed Performance: 25,000 impressions of your content, minimum, in one month
To Get Started, Pay Online Here


Paid Social Media Advertising
Offering highly targeted advertising to reach your company's LGBTQ+ demographic. In the following example shown below, this targeting selects individuals living in the New York City area, 18-65+, who have shown an interest in Barcelona, Madrid, Ibiza or just Spain in general, AND show an interest in LGBTQ travel. Layering these interest data sets together allows us to target gays men and/or lesbian women who would like to travel to Spain. This type of targeting allows us to focus on your key demographic like never before.
Average Cost: $500 - $1,500 per month

Inclusion in Pink Media E-Mail Newsletter
We will include your post in our Pink Media e-mail newsletter, including 280 characters of text and one image, along with a link to your website. Current e-mail distribution size is 16,500 recipients.
Cost: $750

Let us create & distribute an INFOMERCIAL for you
We have had several requests over the past few months to create infomercial-style videos, similar to what we had created for We've decided to launch this as a formal product & service, whereby we will create a video similar in scope to what is seen for following the link below, customized for your business needs.

What this proposal does is bring together our strengths in video production, interview hosting and LGBTQ+ business-to-business reach via e-mail and social media, all together into one package.
Click here for more information

Ideal for PR & Communication firms, teams and individuals / amplifying of influencer content on your company's behalf / tourism & destinations, theatre companies, films, music, books, corporate diversity & inclusion messaging & outreach / events including Pride and so much more.

For more information on our company's offerings & services, take a look at:
Our Brochure & Media Kit

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