#ILoveGay Today

Pink Media - a company with INFLUENCE!
Reach the LGBTQ+ Community

Leverage the Power of Social Relationships
Offices in New York and Los Angeles

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Arcigay.LGBT - Roberto Muzzetta
May 2021
#ILoveGay Today meets up with Roberto Muzzetta of Arcigay.LGBT, one of the largest LGBTQ+ organizations in Italy, focused on both making change at the national level, while maintaining a strong presence locally with over 70 chapters throughout Italy. We chat about their work, as well as their recent adoption of the Arcigay.LGBT domain and what it means to them. They'll also be involved with the up... | [LINK]
| Rome, Italy VIDEOS | @ILoveGayItaly |
| Lifestyle VIDEOS | @ILoveGayViews |

Travel Influencer Series: Scott & Davide - The Big Gay Podcast from Puglia
November 2020
#ILoveGay Today presents our special edition "Travel Influencer Series", where we'll be interviewing a group of LGBTQ+ travel bloggers, vloggers and influencers and then weaving their interviews into a virtual conference panel, bringing together 3-4 folks into one session. Today we meet up with Scott and Davide from The Big Gay Podcast from Puglia, where we chat about some of the wonders of the... | [LINK]
| Rome, Italy VIDEOS | @ILoveGayItaly |
| Travel VIDEOS | @ILoveLGBTTravel |

Giuseppe Giulio - Gay Friendly Italy
April 2020
Today we chat with Giuseppe Giulio of Gay Friendly Italy... IGLTA member and ambassador living in Milan. As part of our conversation, Giuseppe announces their new program, #ItalyLovesItaly, focusing on LGBTQ+ travel for locals once this pandemic is behind us. | [LINK]
| Rome, Italy VIDEOS | @ILoveGayItaly |
| Travel VIDEOS | @ILoveLGBTTravel |

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