#ILoveGay Today

Pink Media - a company with INFLUENCE!
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Justin Barnette - South Africa Tourism
October 2021
Join us as we record #ILoveGay Today Live at the #IGLTA2021 convention in Atlanta. Guest host Aaron Paiva Leyton meets up with Justin Barnette of South Africa Tourism. They chat about South Africa being reopened to international travel this year, where LGBTQ+ travelers can enjoy Cape Town, Johannesburg, wine tasting, safaris and more. | [LINK]
| South Africa VIDEOS | @ILoveGaySA |
| Travel VIDEOS | @ILoveLGBTTravel |

Director/Writer Gabe Gabriel & Actor Earl Gregory: "No Hiding Here"
March 2021
#ILoveGay Today connects with director and writer Gabe Gabriel, along with Earl Gregory, lead actor in Gabe Gabriel's latest movie rom-com release "No Hiding Here", now streaming on ShowMax in South Africa. We chat about both the film, as well as Gabe's filmmaking career, both in Los Angeles and Cape Town. We also chat a bit about how connected and collaborative our world is today, and how the ple... | [LINK]
| South Africa VIDEOS | @ILoveGaySA |
| Movies & Film VIDEOS | @ILoveGayMovies |
| Entertainment VIDEOS | @ILoveGayTV |
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